A King's Ransom Page 4
“Luke Austin has already ordered new merchandise for Dazed,” Soo told Andy. “But they need to drop a new CD and record a video to build up the demand for it. Luke is working on this. Si-Jun, the music arranger is waiting for the songs Ae-Jong is working on, and the in-house songwriters have been busy too trying to come up with some new songs for them to perform.”
The concert eventually ended, and they made it to the after-party. The ten young women of Star Dust barely got a chance to breathe for all the reporters pushing mics in their faces and photographers taking their pictures.
“Aren’t you Andy Green?” one of the members of the group asked him.
“Yes,” Andy answered.
The females in hearing range squealed. The reporters zoomed in on him.
“Sorry about that,” Andy said to Soo. It took a lot of photos and Star Dust’s bodyguards to free him. Soo took him into the party and introduced him to Min Kam.
The man came to Andy’s stomach. He was older, like Soo, had dyed his hair brown, and had dark brown eyes. And even he knew height meant nothing in this country. The man ran a billion-dollar company, which meant he was financially smart, too.
“Who is this, Soo Park?” the other man asked.
Soo Park bowed. “This is Andrew Green, Min. He is the new manager for Dazed.”
Min chuckled sarcastically. “Dazed? Are they still around?”
“Yes,” Soo answered.
“I thought they already had a manager. Big guy, built like a mountain and no sense of humor.”
Andy bowed. “He is my cousin, Mr. Kam. He got a promotion and has moved back to America.”
“And you’re taking his place?”
“Yes,” Andy answered politely. He didn’t like this guy either. “I enjoyed the concert earlier. Star Dust put on a good show.”
“They’d better,” Min said. “I’ve invested a lot of money into their career. They can sing, dance, and act.” He paused. “Dazed? Aren’t they a little too old now?”
“They’re barely twenty-five,” Soo said. “And the maknae has written some fantastic new songs.”
“The maknae, oh yeah, now I remember. He’s the emperor’s nephew. He used to have hair down to his butt. I thought he was a fucking girl until the army shaved it all off.”
“That was a long time ago,” Soo said in Ae-Jong’s defense. “The hair is shorter now, and he’s quite a looker.” Soo handed him an envelope.
“What is this?”
“An invitation to the emperor’s anniversary celebration.”
Things work so differently here, Andy thought. There was no way he would invite the competition to a party, but here the two of them were at Star Dust’s concert.
Min tucked the envelope into his pocket on the inside of his jacket. “I’ll come if I’m not busy.”
Soo took him off to meet some other influential people. Most of them were snobs like Min Kam. “Why invite the enemy to check out the competition?” Andy asked.
“It is called showing respect. Min has the top company in South Korea, and in order for us to survive, we have to show him some courtesy,” Soo explained. “In the meantime, we’re only going to show just a little of what Dazed has to offer, sort of like a teaser. It will make the Top Three sit up and take notice.”
Now Andy understood. Dazed would have to bring it, not only to the emperor’s upcoming celebration but also to the return concert Tory was planning. They only had one chance to make it against the Top Three. He would make sure this would happen and prove Soo Park and Min Kam wrong.
“They have a few good years left as K-Pop artists, but after that Tory turns them into international artists like his other idols,” Soo said. “I won’t try to sugarcoat this. You’re going to be on the road a lot, going from town to town and country to country to promote this group. If you don’t think you can take it and the ridicule, then run now.”
Ae-Jong’s image appeared in his head. “I’m not going anywhere, but back to the top with my group,” Andy bragged.
“Good,” Soo said. “Welcome to Albertson Entertainment.”
“Thank you.” Andy yawned. Soo’s chauffeur returned several hours later to take them back to the hotel to drop him off. He went to bed exhausted after a long night of partying.
Chapter Four
Ae-Jong took one last look at himself in the full-length mirror the next night. He had on one of his new suits that the tailor had made for him. “How do I look?” he asked Ra and the others who were already dressed and ready to go down.
“Beautiful,” Ra answered.
Chika and Hanako chuckled.
“Bite me,” Ae-Jong said to his friends. “I want to make a good first impression.”
“Why?” Chika asked. “It’s just the boss and some of his friends. They’re going to find out eventually how unprincely you are.”
Chika was five feet ten and, like Ra, looked good in anything he wore. Unlike him, who was shorter than all of them and who had thick dancer’s thighs and a big butt. The more he exercised, the bigger his behind got.
The others laughed at Chika’s joke. Ae-Jong rolled his eyes. “I am not. I can’t help it that people expect me to be some angelic little Goody Two-shoes, when in fact, I’m just…”
“Satan’s spawn,” Ra answered for him.
Chika and Hanako continued to laugh at Ra’s joke.
“Nearly burned the palace down once, experimenting with a cigarette that you gave me and all of a sudden I’m a problem child,” Ae-Jong mumbled.
“How many times were you brought home by the police for breaking curfew when you were a teen?” Ra asked.
“I can’t help it if all the best clubs don’t close until after midnight,” Ae-Jong answered, straightening his tie.
“Did the fact that you were a kid and not supposed to be in them in the first place not cross your mind?” Ra asked.
“Wasn’t it your job to keep a better eye on me?” Ae-Jong asked Ra.
“You three never listened to a thing I told you,” Ra mumbled.
“And you three weren’t innocent either, playing strip poker, sneaking out of the house to go to the clubs right along with me, and oh, don’t forget about fighting after school with anyone who challenged you,” Ae-Jong said.
Ra stopped laughing. “This isn’t about us, Jongie. We’re just guilty of being young and impressionable. You, on the other hand, are a demon. Try not to get us in trouble with the boss.” His cell phone ring. “Hello?” Okay, we’ll be right down.” He disconnected the call. “Showtime. Let’s go meet the company.”
Ae-Jong stopped fussing with his hair and followed his friends out of the room and down the stairs.
* * * *
The festivities began. There were cultural dances and trot singing. Andy tried to look entertained.
“All hail the crowned prince Ae-Jong Kim,” the announcer said.
Andy stopped talking to Luke and put his attention on the entryway of the grand ballroom. It looked like something out of a historical movie as six muscular Asian men carried a litter upon their broad shoulders. Three young men garbed in white suits followed. More princes? Andy didn’t think so. These must be the other members of Ae-Jong’s group. He did recognize one of them. He was the guy he’d given the business card to at the dojo, Ra. The carriers went down on their knees and then lowered the carriage. One of them reached inside. A small hand came out and then a foot. A few seconds later, a young man appeared wearing a black suit. Andrew gulped. Everyone in the audience bowed and then the rest remained kneeling while the young prince and his three companions came down the aisle and walked to the throne where the rest of the royal family sat. So, this is the guy everyone is all in an uproar over. Andy still couldn’t see Ae-Jong’s face clearly, but he could tell by the way he walked and carried himself that he had royal bearing. Ae-Jong sat next to his considerably older male cousins Bae and Doh. They had been introduced earlier. One friend sat next to Ae-Jong, and the other two sat in chairs at his feet.<
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The festivities continued. Andy didn’t know how long he sat there staring at Ae-Jong instead of watching the jugglers. If the emperor gave him a test later on what he saw, he would surely fail.
“We have quite a treat for you today,” the announcer said. “Prince Ae-Jong and his friends have agreed to perform for his uncle.”
The guests in the audience applauded as Ae-Jong, and the three others got up and disappeared behind the thrones and then reappeared on a stage. Ae-Jong sat at a white piano while the other three stood near him. One had a cello, one a violin and the other a flute. The quartet played a medley of classical songs to entertain the emperor and his guests. Noel was a pianist, too, but Andy doubted if he was as good as Ae-Jong. He did think these guys should get along with Jonas and Frankie Kerry from the R&B group, The Kerrys. They were also classically trained musicians. The celebration ended shortly after that and the guests began to leave. The royal family was in the receiving room to say good-bye. Now was his chance to get a closeup look at the guy his stupid cousin Edward had broken up with. He got to the friends first. God, they were all so handsome. The one, Ra Day, was about five ten or eleven, the other two were a tad bit shorter than him. They all had what his cousin called nice asses. Andy bowed to them and then gasped upon looking into the face of Prince Ae-Jong Kim.
Skin made pearly white by cosmetics, full lips brushed with a rose tint. Eyes, the color of raisins, lined with kohl and accented with smoky shadow stared at him. His dark eyebrows were arched and on fleek. Dark eyelashes dusted his cheeks when he blinked. He smelled of anise and cinnamon that reminded him of something warm and comforting. He smelled it only once before. The scent reminded him of the guy he’d met at the host club. Andy’s cock started to harden. It only did that now when he really, really, really was interested in getting naked and sexy with the other person. Prince Kim’s gaze lowered right on cue. He ran his tongue absently around his bottom lip and then he looked up at him again. Andy bowed and then Prince Kim did something unexpected—he knelt before Andy in a submissive position on the floor.
“Master, I surrender,” he said. “Am I to your liking?”
It was him, the guy from the masquerade ball. He’d recognize that sexy voice anywhere. Oh, fuck yeah!
The emperor and the other royals looked positively shocked.
“What is he doing?” Andy asked Tory.
“Say yes,” Tory told Andy. “Hurry up.”
“Yes,” Andy said, not knowing why. Moments later, Andy was whisked out of the receiving line and taken through the palace to another room. “What’s going on?” Andy asked one of the guards.
“The emperor and Prince Jung-Woo would like to speak with you. Please have a seat,” one said to him. The guards left him. The two royal brothers entered. Andy hopped out of his seat and bowed respectfully.
“Please sit down, Mr. Green. I am Rin Kim, and this is my younger brother, Jung-Woo.”
Andy bowed again and then sat across the table from the two men.
“I am Ae-Jong’s father,” Jung-Woo said.
Andy had figured that out. They had the same handsome face and eyes. “It is nice to meet both of you. What just happened out there?”
“You do not know?” Rin asked.
Andy shook his head.
Jung-Wood chuckled.
Rin cleared his throat.
“What’s so funny?” Andy asked.
“Nothing. My son just offered himself to you.”
“What? Why would he do something like that?”
“Because he likes what he sees. Since you’re Edward’s cousin you already know that Ae-Jong is gay,” Jung-Woo said.
“Yes, but…”
“Is he not to your liking?” Rin asked.
“Yes, but…”
Rin held up his hand. “He has chosen you.”
“He chose Edward.”
Jung-Woo shook his head. “No, you.”
Jung-Woo nodded. “You beat him fair and square in a match. Your cousin was never able to do that. Our family did not want them to marry.”
“Why not?” Andy asked. His family was just as good as Ae-Jong’s even though they weren’t royalty.
“Your cousin is not right for Ae-Jong,” Rin explained. “He is a nice fellow, is loyal to his country, but he does not have what it takes to make Ae-Jong happy. As you might have noticed, my nephew is a bundle of energy.”
“He’s also the handsomest guy I’ve laid eyes on,” Andy uttered. “Sorry.”
Both Rin and Jung-Woo chuckled.
“Yes, we noticed,” Jung-Woo said. “No offense taken. It is not a secret that Ae-Jong is handsome. He is also very intelligent and shrewd. He needs a guy to, how can I put this? Keep him under control. Top him.”
Andy scratched his head nervously. “Ah, I know what that means in America, but does it have a different meaning here?”
“No,” Rin answered. “It’s the same thing.”
“Yipes!” Andy said, shocked. “What makes you think I’m the right man for the job?”
“Because Ae-Jong submitted to you without an argument. The Ae-Jong we know is a sore loser, and he would never admit defeat,” Rin said.
“Yeah, we kind of expected him to burn down the palace when he found out he lost the fight,” Jung-Woo said.
Andy frowned. These two were doing a very bad job of matchmaking. But he kind of understood they couldn’t exactly announce that the youngest crowned prince was gay. He wasn’t completely ignorant to South Korean customs. Families arranged dates for their marriageable-aged children. This was their way of giving Ae-Jong the same help as if he was straight.
“Let me start this all over,” Rin said. “Homosexuality is not yet accepted here in our country. We were happy at first when Ae-Jong met Edward, but your cousin can’t stay faithful even if we paid him.”
Andy tried not to smile, even though he too saw Edward in this light.
Jung-Woo took over. “Ae-Jong is my only child, and I only want the best for him. Ae-Jong needs someone to keep him grounded. I love my son, and I want him to have as much of a normal life as possible.”
“I am going to be his new manager,” Andy announced. “I accepted the job last night.”
“Good,” Rin said. “We’re not asking you to marry Ae-Jong. Get to know him first. Learn about our country and teach him about yours. You might discover that you like being in each other’s company. You two actually have some things in common.”
“Like what?” Andy asked.
“Besides being gay, you mean?” Rin asked. “Fashions for one. Ae-Jong is a fashionista.”
“Name something else?” Andy said.
So, they had investigated him. Damn, the fight just happened yesterday.
“Ae-Jong likes looking up at the heavens at night. He has an observatory in his suite.”
Andy loved astrology. He would like to see that observatory. If he hadn't made it as a model a long time ago, he would have been an astronomer. “Okay. I’m not ashamed to say that I want to get to know him better. I will try to be a good manager to him, and I will take being his boyfriend under consideration. But I want to get to know the real Ae-Jong.”
“Perfectly understandable,” Jung-Woo said. “One other thing you two have in common. Martial arts.”
“I’m sold,” Andy said. “Please don’t tell Ae-Jong and the others about me being their manager. Mr. Albertson wants to do that tomorrow at a meeting.”
“Okay,” the emperor said. “Welcome to the family.”
“They aren’t married yet,” Jung-Woo said.
“Not yet,” the emperor said, smiling.
The guards returned and escorted Andy out of the room and the palace.
Tory waited for him. The others were already in the limousine. “He’s exquisite, isn’t he?”
“Who?” Andy asked.
“Prince Kim.”
Andy cleared his throat. “Yes.”
nbsp; “Your cousin is a fool. Don’t get me wrong, Noel Charles is nice, but he’s not Ae-Jong Kim. The heat radiating off the two of you earlier was unbelievable. And his folks like you. That’s a good sign. Their ways might be unorthodox, but they love Ae-Jong, know he’s gay, and are trying to help out as best they can.”
“How do you know all of this?”
Tory chuckled. “I’m a father. It is not hard to figure out.”
Andy didn’t think he was ready to be married, but he did want to get to know Ae-Jong better.
Chapter Five
The meeting took place the next day in a conference room at the palace.
“Ah, here they are now, gentlemen,” his uncle said.
Besides his uncle Rin and his father, Jung-Woo, also present were Tory Albertson and several other males. Everyone turned toward the entrance.
Ae-Jong’s father introduced them. “Gentlemen, may I present assistant Ra Day, and the members of Dazed, Hanako Tan, Chika Nah and my son, Ae-Jong Kim.”
“Wow, you guys look good,” Tory Albertson said.
Their current boss was a fifty-year-old rich and well-dressed black man who rocked a bald head, a beard, mustache and chin scruff. He also wore enough jewelry to choke a horse. Rumor had it that he had the biggest and best entertainment agency in North America and was giving the top three in South Korea a run for their money. He had some top named acts too like The Kerrys, Cinnamon, Yukizumi, and a rock and roll band turn R&B singers Vizio. Ae-Jong had heard of all of them. The four of them bowed to him.
“I guess you’re all ready to meet your new manager.”
Tory had found them a manager already? Ae-Jong hoped he wasn’t an old geezer.
“Gentlemen, I’d like you to meet Andrew Green. Andy, this is your new assistant Ra Day.”