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A King's Ransom Page 3

  The crowd loved their performance. They jeered and cheered and shouted encouragement to both of them.

  Ae-Jong flew at Andy a couple of times, much to the delight of the audience. Andy waited for his chance. It came moments later when Ae-Jong flew at him again. Andy blocked with a powerful kick, a punch, and then he raised his hand and karate-chopped Ae-Jong on the side of the neck. Ae-Jong went down on the mat. The referee entered the ring. Andy waited to see if Ae-Jong would get up. He didn’t. The referee counted him out and raised Andy’s hand.

  Most of the crowd went wild, roaring with excitement.

  A handsome South Korean male entered the ring to check on Ae-Jong. “He’s alive but unconscious,” he said to the emperor.

  “I just put him to sleep,” Andy told him.

  The other guy looked at him. “He is not going to be pleased. Ae-Jong has never lost a match.”

  “He’ll get over it,” Andy said.

  Edward came and joined him in the ring. A guy approached and handed Andy a bag.

  “What is this?”

  “The purse. You won the match,” the other guy said.

  “I don’t want the money.”

  “Take it,” Edward said. “You will insult the emperor if you don’t.”

  The other guy in the ring stared at Edward. “What are you doing here?”

  “Breaking off my engagement with Ae-Jong,” Edward answered.

  “Don’t waste your time. He already knows about you and the redhead.”

  “Is he upset, Ra Day?” Edward asked.

  “What do you think?”

  Andy pulled a business card out of his wallet and handed it to the Ra Day fellow. “Take him home and put him to bed. Give me a call when he awakens.”

  “Okay,” Ra replied. “I know you, don’t I? Aren’t you a model?”

  “Yes,” Andy answered. “I’m Edward’s cousin, Andrew.”

  Ra’s gaze widened. “You brought your cousin to fight Ae-Jong, Eddie? You do realize that this means war. Ae-Jong is going to be very angry with you.”

  “The war is over, Ra Day,” Edward said. “I just pitted an even deadlier ninja against him. Ae-Jong understands the rules. He must submit.”

  Andy had no idea what they were talking about.

  Ra frowned at Edward. Two big guys appeared. “Take Ae-Jong home and put him to bed. He will be out for a while.”

  “Yes, Ra,” one of them said. He and the others left the ring with Ae-Jong. Ra Day ran after them.

  Edward bowed to Andy. “Congratulations. You are now a million dollars richer.”

  “Just great, Eddie. If I’m in trouble for knocking out the prince, I’m going to kick your ass?” The two of them left the ring. Andy handed the bag of money to Edward while he got dressed. Adam and Luke congratulated him, too. Then they all left the dojo together. Tory stayed behind to speak with the emperor.

  * * * *

  “Who the hell was that?” Emperor Rin Kim asked his younger brother Jung-Woo and the bald African American gentleman present.

  “His name is Andrew Green, and he’s a professional model,” Tory Albertson answered.

  “He’s also the cousin of Edward Green,” Ra said as he too sat in on the meeting with the men after getting Ae-Jong safely back to the palace.

  “I thought you said that everything between my nephew and the CIA agent was over,” the emperor said to Tory.

  “It is, Your Majesty. Edward is engaged to marry another one of my singers, Noel Charles.”

  Ra didn’t know if he liked or trusted Tory Albertson, even though he was now one of the well-dressed entertainment manager’s new employees. Tory had sashayed into South Korea over a year ago and bought the contract of the K-Pop group Dazed from their current manager while the members of the group were doing their military duty. And since then he’d been coming back and forth from America to check on them. Dazed was currently looking forward to getting their career back on the road.

  “I never knew models wielded such powers,” the emperor’s young brother Jung-Woo said.

  “He is a master martial artist just like Edward,” Tory said. “In fact, I think he’s more powerful than Edward and younger. He’s just twenty-eight years old.”

  “What is he doing in South Korea?” Rin asked.

  “He was here for the competition, and he’s thinking about moving here,” Tory explained.

  “Is that why Edward is here, too?” Jung-Woo asked.

  “He came to cheer for his cousin,” Tory said.

  “So, this Andrew fellow does not work for you?” the emperor asked.

  Tory shook his head. “Not at the moment. That is why I am here. I have been trying to find a new manager for Dazed since Edward is no longer available.”

  “You mean since he cheated on my son,” Jung-Woo said.

  “Yes. I think Andrew Green might be perfect for Dazed. He’s young, handsome, and as you saw, capable of protecting them from harm.”

  “Ae-Jong has never lost a match before. He will not want this man for his manager,” Jung-Woo said.

  “He has no choice,” his brother said. “We signed a contract.” He turned to Tory. “How will he be able to be their manager?” Rin asked. “You said it yourself that he is a professional model.”

  “He recently retired,” Tory said. “Let me talk to Andrew. I’m sure I can persuade him to become Dazed’s manager. He’s hung around my people enough to know how to handle idols.”

  “I want to meet him before I consider turning over my son to him,” Jung Woo said. “He could turn out to be a bigger pain than his cousin.”

  “I will bring him and my other guys with me to your weekly palace entertainment night,” Tory said. “We will find out if the two of them have chemistry.”

  “If Ae-Jong accepts him, I will step aside and not interfere.”

  “I would hate to be in the room when Ae-Jong wakes up,” Rin said. “He’s going to be spitting fire.”

  “My son will not admit defeat willingly,” Jung-Woo argued.

  “We’ll see,” Rin said. “He will not bring shame on our family.”

  * * * *

  “You want me to do what?” Andy asked as he ate a faux-steak in the restaurant Tory had taken them to. After the match, he’d gone back to the hotel to shower and change, and then he got invited to join the others for lunch.

  “I’m offering you a job as Dazed’s manager.”

  “I thought you told Adam you thought you had a manager for them.”

  “I did,” Tory said. “You. I didn’t want to broach the subject until after your match. I think you would make the perfect manager for this group, especially after I found out you are thinking about moving here.”

  “But I don’t know anything about being a manager to an idol group.”

  “What’s to know?” Tory asked. “Luke takes care of the promotion, there’s someone at the office that works on their schedules and social networks. They have a stylist for their wardrobe, and one for their hair and makeup. Your job will be to make sure they make it to and from their events in one piece. And to keep the groupies and fans out of their bedrooms.”

  “It’s easy,” Edward assured him. “And the pay is great.”

  Andy frowned at his cousin. “Why do I have the feeling you knew about this from the beginning?”

  “I didn’t,” Edward said. “Tory just brought it up since we arrived, and I agreed with him that it was a good idea. Hanako and Chika are swell guys.”

  “You didn’t mention Ae-Jong in that sentence,” Andy said. “Before I agree to any of this, I have to know the whole four-one-one on him.”

  “He’s spoiled, rich, and has a great ass,” Edward said. “What else do you need to know?”

  Andy wasn’t falling for it. “There must be a reason you broke up with him and chose Noel.”

  “I knew for a long time that I wasn’t right for Ae-Jong. And Noel just blew me over with that red hair and those freckles. Ae-Jong needs a real gentleman to manage
him. You, dear cousin, are perfect for the job. Plus, you speak Korean almost as well as the natives.”

  He really was looking for a challenge, and he had the feeling that’s exactly what he’d get if he agreed. “Okay, Tory. I’ll give it a shot. How hard can it be to take care of three little guys?”

  “Four,” Tory said. “Ra Day is going to be your assistant. He and the others are actually Ae-Jong’s bodyguards, as well.”

  “They’re martial artists, too?” Andy asked.

  “Yes,” Edward answered. “But I’m pretty sure Ae-Jong can kick their asses too if he gets mad enough.”

  “Just great. Well, at least I’ll have someone to spar with,” Andy said. “When are you going to give them the bad news?”

  “Soon,” Tory said. “I’ll have my secretary get your contract ready.”

  Andy hoped he was doing the right thing, getting involved with these people. And truthfully, how hard could it be? “I’m going to need a work visa and a place to stay.”

  “I work on it,” Tory said. “Anything else?”

  “Yeah. I want to be with you when you tell Ae-Jong the good news,” Andy answered.

  “Then wear a nice suit. We have been invited to some sort of performance at the Imperial Palace tomorrow night,” Tory said.

  We? Had Tory already discussed the possibility of he becoming Dazed’s manager to the emperor? Andy hoped he hadn’t bitten off more than he could chew.

  * * * *

  Everything happened faster than Andy expected. Later, Tory took him to Albertson Entertainment where he would be working. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Tory said after they got off the elevator on the administrative floor of the ten-story building. Tory led him to an office. He knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” a male voice said in English.

  Tory turned the knob and entered. Andy followed. An older Korean male dressed in a suit stood from behind the desk.

  “Andrew Green, I’d like you to meet manager Soo Park. He takes care of the business when I’m in America.”

  Andy bowed to Soo Park. The man was short and closer to Tory’s age than his even behind the cosmetics he wore.

  “Soo, Andy’s taking over as Dazed’s manager,” Tory explained.

  “Ah, he’s the one you told me about, Edward’s cousin,” Soo said. “The females around here have been going crazy since finding out that he was in town. Now I see why. Are you hungry? I missed lunch, and there’s a Thai restaurant next door. We can go there and get acquainted while Tory gets some work done.”

  “I want you to get to know Soo since you’ll see more of him than me once I return to the United States,” Tory said.

  This all seemed like a setup to Andy. People he didn’t know already knew about him and his new job with Dazed even before the ink had dried on the contract. He’d already eaten but he didn’t want to make waves, and he suspected that he could learn more from Soo than from Tory. “Okay.”

  Tory went off, leaving him alone with Soo.

  “Come on. The food next door is great,” Soo said.

  Andy followed him out of the office and to the elevator. They rode down and left the business. The cool wind hit him as soon as he stepped out. Fall had arrived, and Andy was so glad he’d brought an all-weather coat to South Korea. Soo had grabbed his on the way out of his office.

  “Is it true that you gave up modeling?” Soo asked as they got in line at the restaurant.

  “Yes, I wanted a challenge.”

  Soo laughed. “Moving to a foreign country and managing idols is definitely that.”

  A hostess seated them, dressed the table and handed them menus. Andy had eaten Thai food many times before, and each time he ended up drinking an antacid after it. This time he chose something sensible. Soo ordered a spicy Thai salad, made with glass noodles and prawns. As a main dish, Soo picked steamed snakehead fish, seasoned with lemongrass.

  For his main dish, Andy selected curry made from jackfruit. He also ordered Pad Thai, A stir-fried noodle dish. It was served with a papaya salad and sticky rice. The waiter added different dipping sauces and chili, fish sauce, and sliced limes on the table, along with a plate of raw vegetables and herbs.

  “You’re a vegetarian?”

  “Yes,” Andy answered. “Plus, Thai food kills my digestive system sometimes,” Andy admitted.

  “I understand,” Soo said. “I can eat anything. The hotter the better.” He demonstrated by adding some chili and peppers to his food when it arrived and eating it.

  Andy waited for him to sweat. Soo never did.

  They continued to get to know each other while they ate.

  “I’m going to tell you honestly that I think it’s going to be hard for Dazed to return to the top of the charts,” Soo said.

  “Oh, why?” Andy asked.

  “There are so many younger groups debuting from the top three entertainment agencies. Even we have a new five-member named RSVP, waiting to make their debut that I think has more talent than Dazed.”

  Andy didn’t know if he liked Soo or not after hearing this, but did appreciate the man giving him some advice. Andy was going to prove him wrong though. True, Dazed wasn’t a young group anymore, but they were still marketable, especially to fans their own age.

  “Have you ever been to a K-Pop concert before?” Soo asked.

  Andy shook his head. “No.”

  “Then you’re in luck. Tonight, a group named Star Dust is performing. Come with me, and I’ll show you what Dazed has to compete with.”

  “Okay,” Andy said. He had no other plans.

  “I’ll have my driver pick you up at the hotel at six. Wear a suit, but not a tuxedo. We’re going to be going from the concert to the after-party given by Min Kam of Dream Entertainment.”

  After eating they went back next door. Later, Andy returned to his room for a nap. He wanted to be rested. The alarm sounded at five. Andy hopped back up, showered, dressed and waited for Soo’s driver to arrive. Soo was inside of the car when Andy entered.

  “I hope you’re ready to party,” Soo said.

  Andy fastened his seat belt. “I am.”

  The driver left the curb.

  * * * *

  Ae-Jong sat up with a start. Ra Day sat in a chair across from him. “What the hell happened? Where am I?”

  “You got your ass whipped, and you are home in your bed.”

  Ae-Jong gasped. “Oh, now I remember. What did he hit me with?”

  Ra laughed. “Sheer brute force. All it took was one karate chop to your neck and you were out.”

  Ae-Jong felt his throat. It still hurt. He lay back down. “What was his name?”

  “Andy?” Ra said. “Andrew Green. He’s Edward’s cousin.”

  “No!” Ae-Jong sat up again and slammed both fists against his mattress. “Eddie did this to me? I will kill him.”

  Ra nodded. “Your ex-boyfriend does not play fair. He brought backup with him this time to the competition.”

  He’d fought Edward before in the ring and kicked his butt. He tried to get up but the room spun.

  “Easy,” Ra said. “You’re not at one hundred percent yet. And to be fair, Andrew admitted that Edward was the one who told him about the competition. Maybe it was a trick.”

  “How did Edward trick him? Are you sure he didn’t do it for the money?”

  “Quite sure. The guy’s a famous model. He doesn’t need it, but Edward talked him into accepting it so he wouldn’t insult Unc. And he earned it. Your man has a magnificent body.”

  “My man?”

  “Yes, didn’t he look familiar to you? Blond hair, blue-green eyes. A fantastic body.”

  Ae-Jong groaned. “The guy from the masquerade ball?”

  “Yeah,” Ra answered. “I didn’t think he would be this easy to find.”

  “Do you think he recognized me?”

  Ra shook his head. “I don’t think so. You wore a mask both times.” He paused. “But both Unc and your father were going balli
stic. They wanted to know who he was.”

  “You didn’t tell him?”

  “Yes, I had to, but not the good stuff,” Ra said. “What could I say? The man who took your son’s virginity also bested him in the ring.”

  Ae-Jong chuckled weakly. “No, please don’t tell them that.” He sighed. “He’s so tall and very muscular.”

  “You forgot handsome as fuck,” Ra added.

  “I don’t remember,” Ae-Jong said. “I was too busy fighting. Is he handsomer than Edward?”

  Ra nodded. “I’m afraid so. They do resemble, but Andrew is crème de la crème.”

  Ae-Jong shuddered remembering their night together.

  “And he has a nice ass.”

  Ae-Jong scowled at him. “Really? You were checking him out?”

  “I am only human, Jongie, but your father is still number one in my book.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Ae-Jong said. “When is he going to marry you and make you my mommy?”

  Ra laughed this time. “Ah, one of these days, I suppose. Of course, we would have to move to America for that. Until then he and I will have to make sure that your relationship with Andrew Green is not a repeat of the one you had with Edward.”

  “I don’t think so,” Ae-Jong said. “I finally think I’ve found the man of my dreams.”

  “Even though he beat you in the ring?” Ra asked.

  Ae-Jong nodded. “He is worthy to be my prince consort.”

  “Ooh, that reminds me. I have to call him and let him know that you are awake.”

  “He asked you to call him?” Ae-Jong asked.

  “Yes, he seemed very concerned about you.”

  “Call him and let him know I have awakened.”

  Ra pulled out the card and called the number. “This is Ra Day. Ae-Jong has awakened.”

  * * * *

  Andy had been to a lot of concerts, but never one this big before. There were thousands of fans, most of them young Asian males. The group Star Dust were in their late teens, early twenties, pretty, but Andy didn’t do girl groups. Before it all began, Soo took him to where the merchandise was being sold. Besides the lights, there were T-shirts, jackets, caps, tennis shoes, gaming cards, candy bars, books, CDs, and dolls for the fans to purchase.